Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Writers!

Hey Delux skittle911 here!
I need new writer! I need 4 at the most. If you want to be a writer the write a contest entry to:
write about anything! why you deserve to be a writer, free things, an inspiartional paragraph, Dosn't matter. You have to a follower though! Can't wait to read those entries!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Valentines!

Hey Delux skittle911 here! I decided to create some Valentines Make-up ideas. Hope you like :)

When you make your valentines doll either play up the lips or play up the eyes, don't do both. When you do both your doll looks over done, fake, and not to menchin ,ugly :o But if you decied to do a lip with a bold eye make sure the lip is neutral or a soft colour, if your doing and eye with bold lips then make the eyes a soft colour like a layer of white or possibly a little grey or if your great at make up even a little sparkle :)

